PDF reader is required to view these forms. Download at www.adobe.com. Please complete, date, and sign the form and return it to our office. Methods of submission are indicated on each form.

Your Benefit card provides primary Plan information to assist your pharmacy, dental and paramedical provider in submitting your claim for payment. Further information confirming the status of coverage and eligibility can be obtained from our office directly or through the app.
The Plan is able to process your manual claim in a timely manner of usually within a week. Electronic claim submissions are generally processed within 48 hours.
Yes for Plan Members, you are prompted to enter your banking information when registering on the app. This function will not appear if we already have banking information. Please review your banking information if you feel it may have changed, and update accordingly if need be.
Yes, please contact our office and we will guide your through the necessary steps.
If your Spouse is covered under another plan, we follow the guidelines of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA). You must ensure you provide appropriate detail for your treatment providers.
If you have new contact information or a new residential, please contact our office as soon as possible so we can ensure your record is updated. Outdated information may also cause a delay in claims processing. Please contact Teamsters Local 31 separately at 1-800-LOCAL31 or 604-540-6009.
All Out of Province/Country claims are facilitated through Allianz Global Assistance. Allianz is the dedicated travel insurance provider through Co-operators. Should you require emergency treatment while travelling, please have the attending physician or hospital contact Allianz at: 1-888-440-2667 in Canada & the U.S. All other countries, please call collect: 1-416-340-1316. When calling, please advise your Group Policy Number 42101 along with your Certificate number.
The app can be found through the Apple App Store, through Google play store, or online at tnbp.onlineclaimsaccess.net
Yes: click on "submit a claim" on the dashboard, select type (health, drug or dental) and follow the steps.
Yes, however we encourage you to use the app for easier tracking of your claims and benefit balances.
The cards are virtual and only through the app. Once you register, please ensure you view your cards and screen shot them or print them, so you have access to them when needed.
Rest assured if you unable to access the internet, we can help you. Please contact our office and we can assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
You will still get an email notification that your claim has been processed, but the claim statements are now viewable through the app.
Log on to the app and view your benefit balances on the dashboard. Click on customize and select the benefits most suitable to you. You can view 5 at a time. This feature will also advise you when you are next eligible if you have exhausted the maximum allowable.
The app is for claims. Please refer to our website for Benefit or Pension Plan related information. Please remember to visit the website regularly as it is updated throughout the year.
Please contact our office and we can advise you of your user name; however your password is private and we do not have access to that. If you have forgotten your password, please click on "forgot password" and reset it.
Chances are you still have coverage, but they may not have the current information needed to process your prescription claim. Please ensure you show them your new virtual cards.
At the dashboard, go to "recent claims" click on the claim you are questioning, and click "view statement". From there you will see the reason(s) for the rejection.
Please contact our office and we can reprocess the claim manually.
Prescriptions are paid at 100%, so chances are if you are receiving $10 for a prescription, there was a submission error. Please contact our office and we will reprocess your claim as well as walk you through the process to help minimize this. Also, your pharmacy should direct bill if we are your primary plan. Please ensure they have the current information as noted on your Telus Assure card.