Weekly Indemnity Rate Increase

The Board of Trustees have amended the terms of the Plan to increase the maximum Weekly Indemnity rate. Effective January 1, 2019, the rate will increase from $550.00 per week to $570.00 per week. All other provisions remain the same; 75% of pre-disability earnings to a maximum of $570.00 per week.

For clarity, this only applies to disabilities which start on or after January 1, 2019.

New Plan Booklets – Benefit Plan and Pension Plan

Please watch for the new Plan Booklets which will be mailed out this week.

It is important to remember, the booklets are designed to provide you with a brief description of the Plan and its benefits in general terms.

Please review the booklets and contact our office should you require further information.

Contact Information

Please ensure you keep the Plan updated in the event you move or change your telephone number and/or email address. The Plan provides information throughout the year so it is important that we have your current contact information on file to keep you informed.

Please note, the Plan does not receive updated contact information provided to the office of Teamsters Local Union No. 31, therefore, it is necessary that you contact our office directly or via our website www.teamstersbenefits.ca to make the changes.

Wishing you all the very best in 2019